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If you're not whole, 

We're not whole.

If you're not whole, 

We're not whole.

During the pandemic, we became aware of alarming health disparities in our county.  While working tirelessly to mitigate the risks of the virus, we had the rare privilege of providing support to thousands of people, right here in Woodford County, with whom we had never interacted.   In fact, a health survey conducted on June 3, 2022 among immigrant workers and their families indicated that  many workers had never had a health encounter in the United States.   

As we continue to build bridges into our remarkably self-reliant populations here in Woodford County, we are energized by the hope of diminishing disparity and changing the health trajectories of individuals,  families, and entire communities.  Immigrant workers are more likely to be uninsured or underinsured.  Farmworkers and construction workers face increased occupational and environmental risks.  Manual laborers, in general, are more likely to work when sick or injured, not because they are forced to do so, but because they need the money.  

As we continue to learn more about the health of our population here in Woodford County, we know that disparity exists not only in our immigrant workforce, but in communities of people from all walks of life whose educational attainment,  household income, transportation barriers, language and literacy barriers, and housing burdens prohibit access to preventive care.   If we're not reaching our WHOLE community, then our community can never be WHOLE.  

If you or someone you love would benefit from an onsite visit, our  Mobile Clinic staff would LOVE to meet you as you are, where you are.  We love going to farms, manufacturing facilities, schools, festivals, events, and just about anyplace where we can park our Mobile Clinic.  At just over 20 feet long, we can park it just about anywhere, so please give us a call or schedule an onsite visit today.

We bring prevention
to your doorstep.







Let us know when to be there and where to park.
We'll take care of the rest!

            229 N. Main Street  Versailles, KY  40383 

    phone 859-873-4541     fax 859-873-7238 


                        Designed by RNM Powered by AD-IOS                                

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